The Present
The Present
an actual presentation of a gifted world
Depository of classified archival material predating Great Sleep era
The Great Dome during cleaning of Orac telescope | subterranean division of Oculus
Oculus | observatory headquarters of phenomena, amelioration and repair workshops | kaleidoscope interior
Fa:os rays | first capture with 100 trillion frames per second
Planetary embryo preceding deposition in incubator
Young planets in incubation device | hatching
Monitoring planet growth and behavior | thermographic image - IcI0d telescope
Gas diffusion operation for atmospheric equilibration on Ulloa2 (artificial planet #5) | terraformation base camps are discernible
POWA Bank reservoir | system of private treasuries and capital vaults on Ulloa1
Magnet Forest | magnetic field plant preventing polar reversal | subterranean grid hub
Decontaminator A, on decompressing mission of central magnetic axis
Earth Nipple | air purification system
Magma Mountain | thermal power generator
Metalchemic rock transmutation into precious metal | Sealed off area 7-52
Final stage of metalchemic rock transmutation into diamond | Sealed off area 7-88
Enciphered map of tantalium mines | restricted grounds sTP82z
Crystalline liquified diamond storage tome, for logging and replicating data | capacity: 1HB | Silica Project
Luminous Matter bonding | occurrence last observed in 3bGS* time units | *before Great Sleep
D0°^RY data interpreter
Aero-body | the lightest solid material, also referred to as “still smoke” consisting 95-97% air | illustration depicting its boiling point
Transferring knowledge and adroitness via MAT-x simulator
Seer | visualization and devising reforms science lab | exterior section
Teleportation by photonic sublimation
Depiction of matter transmission process | pneumatic aura propulsion method
Nuclear piston aligning propellant beams
Circular Pyramids | self-powered high energy production units
At the testing grounds of biological flora development with the use of a Canon Seeder
Assessor B testing the resilience of shielding water uniform
Water Blanket | lab image: undergoing experimentation
Mount Albino | causes of discoloration under investigation
Widespread contamination in the earths crude oil reservoirs by Candida Petrolphagus
Kelpia colony | general purpose staple food diet | monoculture
Evergreen Paradox | nano-forest
Kytoplasma absorbing vitamin D
Dipnoan regenerative mudfish
Electric waterbody before storage
Gloey | bright omniscient youth, possessing enzyme luciferin and bioluminescence
Warm Worm couple upon exiting nest to charge
Perforating disorder sufferer | advanced stage | further scientific research is needed
Segment of human liver morphogenesis | genetically engineered organ production facility
Plastisoma Voracious | apex predator | hulking omnivorous species with properties of converting prey into polymer synthetic material
Plastisoma voracious | close-up
Domestic animals subsequent to a Plastisoma attack
Egglith | nesting spot of Ophidiocephalus Magnus
Blade bearer Ophidiocephalus Magnus immobilized, case study purposes, on its morphological and functional characteristics
Resignation Arch patient | see entry: Pityocampa Sinistra
Pityocampa Sinistra | host carrier of neuroparalytic bacteria, correlated to Resignation Arch disorder & Corpus Manipulata syndrome
Contorted torso of patient with Corpus Manipulata syndrome | note: correlated to Pityocampa Sinistra
C-oiled polypod in small whorl during alimentation
5 hours later, the polypod excretes corrosive enzymes
Specialized Helping Hand for fulfillment of religious needs
Deterrent statue-amulet to ward off negative energy and attract good luck
Mass-produced Helping Hands on display
Hypermale f5, 8 hours after orchiectomy
Post administration of 8000iu K-stabilizer | Extremities syndrome treatment
Self-physiognomophobic who obliterated her countenance
Helping Hand for sexual or emotional consummation
Subject availing Helping Hands for emotional solace
Panacea mask | all purpose facial skincare
Venerated Voto sapped of his sacred protoplasm after worship rite
Enfeebled archetype Helping Hand on display | museum of Contribution
Personalized protective human augmentation Exoskeleton suit
Steel bubble for Superiors | highly reinforced glass shelter for the Alpha population, with rolling capacity
Denizen of Sublimated Area donning the invisible materialization mask
Sublimation Portal | entrance into the conditioning zone of social evanescence
Control Unit of collective unconsciousness | standard model ob-A/4891
NLEA | nocturnal law enforcement agent
Gorgoneon light | contrivance restricting entrance to protected grounds
Acanthopithecus | habitat invigilation enforcer, salient, in attack mode
Μantle | teleguided supersonic overseer
Nyctibii Cryptis | twin agents after commendation ceremony
24 hour event recording observation room
Maximum security prison | exemplary model
Residentials Of Enlightenment | re-education faculties
Guided Reforms process chamber
Subject A submitted to reform | phase I: Sensory Discontinuance / Severing
Aristophile incubator | detail
Subject B submitted to reform applying radiation | phase Χ: Neurofeedback for cerebral dysfunction alteration / Reprogramming
MenDiS | Mental Divergent Superior | sapient with amplified mental abilities and higher level of cognition
Case of voluntary blindness | subject's eye bulb while endeavoring vision restoration with ocular compression forceps
Aristophile | evaluated eugenic model, anticipating the addition of extremities and head of reformed subjects, for Completion
Aristophile identification mark after Completion
Temper sterilizer brain implant | infrared photomicrography
Dysanexia Religiosa | dogma intolerant after cerebral hacking
Diffusion of assuaging regulator with chemical catalysis
Agelast bearing a dysphoric splodge
Recreation Ηall and mood regulating equipment
Οbli Vll | detachment and wellness haven | female receives soul treatment in pulverized mineral bath
Conversion of mood altering beverage Inspirit-I into carbonated soft drink
Euphorina | member of the Euphorine order
Depository of classified archival material predating Great Sleep era
The Great Dome during cleaning of Orac telescope | subterranean division of Oculus
Oculus | observatory headquarters of phenomena, amelioration and repair workshops | kaleidoscope interior
Fa:os rays | first capture with 100 trillion frames per second
Planetary embryo preceding deposition in incubator
Young planets in incubation device | hatching
Monitoring planet growth and behavior | thermographic image - IcI0d telescope
Gas diffusion operation for atmospheric equilibration on Ulloa2 (artificial planet #5) | terraformation base camps are discernible
POWA Bank reservoir | system of private treasuries and capital vaults on Ulloa1
Magnet Forest | magnetic field plant preventing polar reversal | subterranean grid hub
Decontaminator A, on decompressing mission of central magnetic axis
Earth Nipple | air purification system
Magma Mountain | thermal power generator
Metalchemic rock transmutation into precious metal | Sealed off area 7-52
Final stage of metalchemic rock transmutation into diamond | Sealed off area 7-88
Enciphered map of tantalium mines | restricted grounds sTP82z
Crystalline liquified diamond storage tome, for logging and replicating data | capacity: 1HB | Silica Project
Luminous Matter bonding | occurrence last observed in 3bGS* time units | *before Great Sleep
D0°^RY data interpreter
Aero-body | the lightest solid material, also referred to as “still smoke” consisting 95-97% air | illustration depicting its boiling point
Transferring knowledge and adroitness via MAT-x simulator
Seer | visualization and devising reforms science lab | exterior section
Teleportation by photonic sublimation
Depiction of matter transmission process | pneumatic aura propulsion method
Nuclear piston aligning propellant beams
Circular Pyramids | self-powered high energy production units
At the testing grounds of biological flora development with the use of a Canon Seeder
Assessor B testing the resilience of shielding water uniform
Water Blanket | lab image: undergoing experimentation
Mount Albino | causes of discoloration under investigation
Widespread contamination in the earths crude oil reservoirs by Candida Petrolphagus
Kelpia colony | general purpose staple food diet | monoculture
Evergreen Paradox | nano-forest
Kytoplasma absorbing vitamin D
Dipnoan regenerative mudfish
Electric waterbody before storage
Gloey | bright omniscient youth, possessing enzyme luciferin and bioluminescence
Warm Worm couple upon exiting nest to charge
Perforating disorder sufferer | advanced stage | further scientific research is needed
Segment of human liver morphogenesis | genetically engineered organ production facility
Plastisoma Voracious | apex predator | hulking omnivorous species with properties of converting prey into polymer synthetic material
Plastisoma voracious | close-up
Domestic animals subsequent to a Plastisoma attack
Egglith | nesting spot of Ophidiocephalus Magnus
Blade bearer Ophidiocephalus Magnus immobilized, case study purposes, on its morphological and functional characteristics
Resignation Arch patient | see entry: Pityocampa Sinistra
Pityocampa Sinistra | host carrier of neuroparalytic bacteria, correlated to Resignation Arch disorder & Corpus Manipulata syndrome
Contorted torso of patient with Corpus Manipulata syndrome | note: correlated to Pityocampa Sinistra
C-oiled polypod in small whorl during alimentation
5 hours later, the polypod excretes corrosive enzymes
Specialized Helping Hand for fulfillment of religious needs
Deterrent statue-amulet to ward off negative energy and attract good luck
Mass-produced Helping Hands on display
Hypermale f5, 8 hours after orchiectomy
Post administration of 8000iu K-stabilizer | Extremities syndrome treatment
Self-physiognomophobic who obliterated her countenance
Helping Hand for sexual or emotional consummation
Subject availing Helping Hands for emotional solace
Panacea mask | all purpose facial skincare
Venerated Voto sapped of his sacred protoplasm after worship rite
Enfeebled archetype Helping Hand on display | museum of Contribution
Personalized protective human augmentation Exoskeleton suit
Steel bubble for Superiors | highly reinforced glass shelter for the Alpha population, with rolling capacity
Denizen of Sublimated Area donning the invisible materialization mask
Sublimation Portal | entrance into the conditioning zone of social evanescence
Control Unit of collective unconsciousness | standard model ob-A/4891
NLEA | nocturnal law enforcement agent
Gorgoneon light | contrivance restricting entrance to protected grounds
Acanthopithecus | habitat invigilation enforcer, salient, in attack mode
Μantle | teleguided supersonic overseer
Nyctibii Cryptis | twin agents after commendation ceremony
24 hour event recording observation room
Maximum security prison | exemplary model
Residentials Of Enlightenment | re-education faculties
Guided Reforms process chamber
Subject A submitted to reform | phase I: Sensory Discontinuance / Severing
Aristophile incubator | detail
Subject B submitted to reform applying radiation | phase Χ: Neurofeedback for cerebral dysfunction alteration / Reprogramming
MenDiS | Mental Divergent Superior | sapient with amplified mental abilities and higher level of cognition
Case of voluntary blindness | subject's eye bulb while endeavoring vision restoration with ocular compression forceps
Aristophile | evaluated eugenic model, anticipating the addition of extremities and head of reformed subjects, for Completion
Aristophile identification mark after Completion
Temper sterilizer brain implant | infrared photomicrography
Dysanexia Religiosa | dogma intolerant after cerebral hacking
Diffusion of assuaging regulator with chemical catalysis
Agelast bearing a dysphoric splodge
Recreation Ηall and mood regulating equipment
Οbli Vll | detachment and wellness haven | female receives soul treatment in pulverized mineral bath
Conversion of mood altering beverage Inspirit-I into carbonated soft drink
Euphorina | member of the Euphorine order
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